Shuffleboard Accessories

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Set of Large Deluxe Weights with Custom Color Weight Cap Options
Original Price $350.00
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Shuffleboard Accessories & Supplies
Buying a shuffleboard table is an investment, so always make sure you have the right shuffleboard accessories. They can add more fun to the game or make your regular table feel like a tournament quality table.
We offer both single and double viewing electronic Venture shuffleboard Scoreboards. These stylish looking scoreboards can be added to any non-coin Venture shuffleboard table. The addition of a scoreboard enhances the game by making the players feel like they are in a tournament. If you plan to play with friends or host a tournament yourself, having a scoreboard makes viewing easy for spectators. With easy-to-mount scoring buttons, controlling the display is simple. You will see your regular shuffleboard experience enhanced by adding a scoreboard.
Although most tables feature a high quality polymer finish, shuffleboard wax/dust is necessary to play the game. Without it, the weights cannot overcome friction, which prevents the game from being played. Simply sprinkle the dust on the playing surface, and you'll be able to slide your shuffleboard weights effectively. We offer 3 versions of Triple Crown shuffleboard wax / dust, each with a different speed rating. In general, the more skilled the player or the longer the board, the faster the speed rating that should be purchased. However, individual skill should be gauged by the player, so we ship Yellow Ice I (the slowest) with all of our tables, regardless of size. If you are a more experienced player, or use a longer board, consider a faster Triple Crown wax/dust to meet your needs.
Even for the most avid player, shuffleboard accessories can add a new element to your game. We offer a set of 10 solid wood bowling pins to transform your game. The clash of wood as you knock over pins will resemble the sound of a bowling lane, adding a new atmosphere to your game room. Setting them up is breeze, a score pad is included. You won't have to lug around a heavy bowling ball to have old fashioned fun and atmosphere.